
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Not for real

Last Saturday night, I went out to chill with some friends at late hours. We had a few rounds of games. Well, I lost the game. My FB status is just a game of forfeit. My forfeit was, to change my status to "In a relationship" for 3 days.
I knew that I was doomed. I was so afraid that this would disappoint friends who truly love and care for me, especially for those who make out time just for me lately. Everyone texted me to find out who's that special someone. I couldn't tell because he never exist. I felt guilty for the white lie eventually. But I'm someone who honour my words and keep my promises. I don't want to be a sore loser in a game as well. I just went ahead with the new status.
I was caught in the middle and I'm sincerely sorry.
I just wished to explain this once and for all.
No matter what happened, what situation, what scenario, I wish that my friends believe me. I am not the kind of girl who jump into a relationship easily. Everyone thought that this was for real. I would like to clarify that it was not for real.
In my dictionary, relationship is not meant to be tried. You either go for it, be brave and avoid regrets, or never try in the first place. You don't fail, you only fail to try. It is neither a game nor a toy. It's a relationship to be respected upon and form of trust build within. With my intelligence (muahahaha), I'm not that silly enough for that. Furthermore, I don't like to work against my principles.
Everyone has a set of principles, so do I.

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