
Monday, January 21, 2013

No hope

I have no idea of what I should do to make you understand. We are friends from the beginning to the last. There can never be an outcome between me and you. Frankly speaking, you treated me very well, close to perfect. Unfortunately, there is no mutual feelings. You can't give me happiness. I never once thought about having a fruitful outcome of being with you. I am comfortable of being your friend and nothing else.
I am just a simple and normal girl. I dislike mind games and making things complicated. I just want to be happy and bubbly. I am not seeking for love. I know that it will come for me when it's time. Love cannot be forced. I need someone kind, patient, faithful and share the same interest as I do. That's all.
I don't have a pretty appearance or a perfect character. I have no idea what you see in me. You deserve a better girl. I know you are trying really hard but I have no intention of trying out with you. Sad to say, not even a single bit.
Maybe some thought that I wasn't ready of a new relationship. In fact, I will be ready when I find the right one. Sorry to say, it can never be you, for sure. Please give up your hope on me.

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