
Sunday, September 14, 2008


Yayaya (",)
It's my mooncake from GoodwoodPark. Omg, it's so yummy. Especially the durian ones.

Credit to Yan

No pics for the mooncake

Wanna know why?
Coz it has been *whacked out* in a few hours.

Muahaha ~ so don't be too

Btw, i'm an old kid. I did play candles by the canal just like other kids. It's kind of weird that no one was playing at the playground near my house. In fact, everyone was playing by the canal. It was sort of like "ghost" festival where by everyone was burning yellow papers. Hahahaha =x oops.

I did nothing much except burning papers and the mouse hole. Anyway, it isn't a mouse hole. But most likely a mouse may lived there. I shuffed sparkles into the hole and set fire outside their caves.

It's kind of bad. Luckily, no mouse was burnt to death.

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