
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Codes, Mad, Talk, Scan and Go, Swensen, Tutoring

I had web application for the day. Oh no, it's really driving me crazy on and on. It was damn tedious for student like me who had no codings background. I almost went mad in the day.

Yan and I went for talk after school. We did went for the talk but without completing the talk. Well, it's all about SCAN and GO. Hahahahah ~

After school, we walked all the way to CWP.

On reaching CWP, Yan went Sportslink with me to choose a Nike bottle for my student.

Guess what we spot?
Swensen Student Deal

We very high le. Fickled minded without knowing which to choose. Still, we settle for Swensen.

After our dinner, we went peepings at "other ppl" friendster account. =x oops We aren't any peeping tom, just alittle steathily.

We conclude that Swensen is only famous for ice-cream.

Off i went tutoring...

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