
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A day

What a day! I had a dream last night, oh well, I could not remember the slightest detail. I assumed I did bungee jump because I fell to the ground with a loud thud. I was struggling to get up but I was too tired to do so. I continued my sleep on the ground and woke up in cold this morning. The floor was icing cold because my air con is really cold even when I adjust it to 26 degree Celsius. Dark bruises found on my hip and I was grabbing the leg of my chair as though it was my bolster. My arms have been itching badly. I mean real itch and not itch for a beating. Not something like that definitely. It looks like rashes to me and I have a strong urge to scratch. I've been applying cream to the affected areas twice a day. Imma good girl. They subsided for a while before coming back to me. Oh dear, I don't wanna scratch for life. I don't wanna look itchy scratchy before my friends. I swear I'll nap after my last morning lesson immediately. The sleepy monster is summoning me now.

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