
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Underestimation of pain

I was browsing through facebook pages when I came across this quote or phrases that inspires me. It brings about thoughts running through my mind, looking at the people and doings. It says,

"Never underestimate the pain of a person.
Because in all honesty, everyone hurts.
Some people just hide it better than others."

There are times when there are unexpected happenings. It may be good, it may be bad. We are all humans, and so, we tried to accept, learn and adapt. Unfortunately, things do not go according to our way at all times. We made mistakes. No matter how much it pain us, we tried to forgo the pain memories and made salvation to situations. Whenever your effort to salvage goes down the drain, the damage is doubled.

Sadness may not be written on faces at all time. Even so, it doesn't mean that pain never exist. They are more than just a passer-by and that is why we learn from mistakes. Hiding it is just a form of way not to worsen situations.

Be considerate to the love ones and show responsibility in the words you said. Words said, can never be taken back. Do the right things at the right time. Put yourself in others' shoes and think of what you will do if you are in their situation.

Be positive.


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