
Friday, March 14, 2014


I find myself to be weird lately. I'm actually avoiding night life which used to be one of my favourite activity. Well, not entirely one of my favourite but definitely one of the best activity when you have nothing to do when the sky turns dark. Maybe, it's partly due to my tiredness. My mind is in a whirl state because sleeping is my only interest. I enjoyed staying home much. Maybe I'll lose friends because I choose to stay home. But seriously, I don't really care about losing any of them not because I don't give them a damn; but the fact that, I believe that true friendship isn't about being inseparable, it's about being separated and nothing changes.

I don't wish to meet for the sake of meeting but rather meet for the sake of interest. Interest that includes care and concern rather than picture narcissism flooding all over the wall of Facebook with no reality. Well, it's an ugly truth that we had to agree that some people take photo with friends, friends of friends, friends of friends of friends from different world and make a simple story into a fairytale looking blissful and happy when it's all empty within. 

A picture speaks a thousands word just like doing creative writing. People pen down thoughts and imaginations. Even so, the real author knew the breakage best.

I have no time to entertain such nonsense. Leave me alone (forever, if possible) if that's what you are looking for.

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