
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Loving this

It's took me quite a long while before getting my new wallet. I love my previous wallet still, for it's classic green-red strap. My old wallet was still in condition despite giving it minimal care only (non existence). I usually dump it in my bag without placing it properly or throw it on my bed or so. There's a few occasions when I was dead tired on my bed, I literally sat on my bed and threw it over a distance of 2m to my table like a hot shot. It was in a fine condition except the buckle was loose. Changing the buckle will cost me $120 or so and I was hesitating about it. Now, I have 2 spare wallets, Braun Buffel (I would say the quality is really good with no damage at all despite using it for years) and a Gucci. Well, I'll probably used them for travelling since long wallet is more practical for me.

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