
Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I nearly forgotten about his post. Thank god, I'm always hungry in the middle of the night (bad habit), in search of food reminded me about this very special post. Ah Tard was back from her holiday trip to Bangkok. I missed the old days travelling with her. I remember the giraffes we fed with black tongue that caught us in amazement (we were young then, we didn't know giraffe's tongue is black in colour), the tiger we hugged whereby no one wanted to milk the tiger (I ended up feeding the tiger because everyone feared of getting bitten), the big bowl of Monster Ice (no longer exist) we shared, running in the rain with an elephant struck in the middle of the road, carrying big and small bags. Last but not least, we encountered an elephant that pooped when we were on its back.
These were the fun days we had and I missed it.
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#Food and Souvenirs from Tard
I really wish to go on a short getaway with Ah Tard again even if it's gonna be neighbourhood country. Well, an even combination of sight seeing, interactive programmes and shopping. 100% shopping can kill me unless Tard wants it, I'm willing to sacrifice anytime. We are happy no matter what happens, even if the sky is falling down (downnn... downnn... even if the sky is falling down #sing along).
We can spend 3 days 2 night at Genting Highland (some called it a boring place) without a single attempt to the theme park. I wonder why too. We kept ourselves really busy with wonders all the time.
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#Purplish present from Tard
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#A sweet little card from Tard.
I have to say, the card is kind of cute in blue puzzles. I have some complaints to make. It'd be great if Tard could frame it up for me next time because I had a hard time placing it back into the envelope because I don't want to dismantle it so that I can see the image and words. It's not a complaint, I'm telling her actually because she reads my blog. My full time stalker.
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#Chanel, Chance
Yes, I like Chanel a lot. The accessories, bag (not all), perfume are my favourite. I had been using Chanel Mademoiselle Parfum / Eau De Toilette Spray for years. Not much differences between both except Parfum is stronger and tend to last longer. There's a hundred bucks differences. I love Mademoiselle because of the sweet soothing scent. I had been using it for yrs. I realised bf had been using the same perfume as me (No idea why he is using a ladies perfume. He claimed that he's using ladies scent to attract ladies. Good move.) Worse, he used Gucci Envy Me too.
Hopefully Tard is not gonna used that when she meet bf someday because even I myself feel weird about him using the same scent as me. #Awkward moment.
Now, I have another new option for perfume. Yep, Chance smells really good. Best part is, I strongly believe it can last me for a long long time as Tard had mention. I spray perfume almost everyday but they never run out. It's weird. Maybe I spray too little. I got to spam like Tard and bf.
Thank you Ah Tard, love this little gift. I know you had a hard time thinking about what to buy for me. I knew that kind of pain too because I had been struggling about what to buy for you too. The main reason we struggle is because we lack of nothing. Let's do something special for next year. I have an idea, let's not do gift exchange next yr. Let's throw in our budget ($100 to $150) and go for a short getaway like 2 days 1 night or 3 days 2 night (I shall leave scanning job at deals website to you). We'll just buy something cheap for each other. In my opinion, the best gift is to pick up a fight. It sounds cool and we do it pretty often. I don't want present but your companion, that's enough. Last but not least, don't forget to enjoy your trip to Koh Samui. Last but not least, don't forget about my food. Food is very important to me. As for Taiwan, I'll know what to do.
Hugs and kisses. Love you and may you miss me much when I'm not around.

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