
Monday, November 10, 2014

Power of smiles

9th November 2014
Nobody's perfect, it doesn't mean it wasn't worth your while.

I woke up really early in the morning because I had to make my way to Chinatown to check out travelling packages for my parents and some other purposes as well. So, I had my favourite xiao long bao at Lan Zhou Noodle house. I love Ding Tai Fung ones too but this one taste differently because herbal wine is added.
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#Xiao long bao

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#La Mian and sides

I was hopping mad about my parents because they were really troublesome at times. They want to travel but cannot decide when to. At the same time, they were pressuring me to check out on packages. After checking out this and that, they wish to change date again. Omg ~ 

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#Bf and I

After our first stop at Chinatown, we had HoneyCreme. The cotton candy options were sold out, so we had affogato. Anyway, I find it overrated. Doubt I'll try it again. Haha, not really to my liking. It tastes really average to me. We went shopping and had Jap food for dinner.

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Good night, and have a great day!


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