
Tuesday, November 5, 2013


3rd November 2013
Live not one's life as though one had a thousand years, but live each day as the last. Old age is like everything else. To make a success of it, you've got to start young.
Annual bday celebration with Tard (as always). No matter how hard we are, we still find time for each other on this special occasion (our birthdays). We'll pre-booked (adjust schedule) a month in advance or even longer (based on plan). The best part is, we are both November's baby.
I had no idea since when we made special planning for one another. Probably something sweet and nice, dear to heart. Well, it's not necessary to be a big plan. A simple touching moments shall be sufficient.
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#My Happy Bday Balloon
That old trick of wearing eye mask popped out of no where every single year. This year, she used a scarf and handed me my balloon. Apparently, I felt that it was a balloon when I whacked her with it. My balloon fell off leaving the stick in my hand.
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#My balloon and puffs
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#Durian puffs
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#Tard and Me
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#My endless wishes
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#With yummy puffs
Unsightly with durian, so she probably replaced it with durian puffs.I bet she was the one who wanted to eat durian (a everytime thing). Somehow, durian became the star of the special day. We played Kinect at Cineleisure. I could still remember our neighbour blasting music next door and almost break the partitioned wall. We blasted ours too and they got mad before knocking against the wall. Rofl.
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#Picture narcissism
We decided on Kiseki for our dinner because it just happened to be at Orchard Central. The queue was really long and we queued for nearly 30 minutes (reminded me about the horrendous queue at USS for Halloween). Fortunately, they provided seats for waiting. The sad part is, before I could warm up the seat, I was told to enter.
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#Mini pot
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#Abalone and salmon
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We had a long chit chat session talking about stupidity of our stupid boyfriends. Not exactly stupid actually, we probably find their action moronic at times. That lasted us for hours before we were told to leave as the restaurant was closing soon. Fun time ends well, short and sweet.
Thank you Ah Tard for the sweet celebration. However, my forte is not at sweet planning. I'm better at pranks. Really horrible ones like giving 1.5 litre of water bottles (with a proper gift of course) to my friend. That's not the worse, how about blindfolding her from Cineleisure to Pomo by walking. Worst, I got a broccoli as a cake with candles.
Thank you for the lovely present and card. Shall see you soon after our trips.
You got to pray hard that everything's gonna be alright.

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