
Friday, July 10, 2009


Even though it's a Friday, we aren't enjoying any of our usual entertainment. Trained to town is definitely something that we haven't been doing for quite some time. It's another FYP day and we really gotta settle our system testing real soon.

Let's not mention about Friday, for you additional info, Laiyan and I stayed in Woodland library till it closed on Thursday. It just sounds so pathetic.

Before the real thing get started, we need to cool down our nerves.

Swensen's Time


Duing order taking, the waiter was really slow. Instead of asking what we would like to have, he just stood there like a log. Oh well, i offered to show him my ez-link card myself and place my order. I should have work for Swensen instead of him. Haiz ~


It seems like they made the ice-cream in a rush. Our toppings aren't in shape at all and it's semi-melting. Alright, whatever it is. It just went into my stomach.


Next - FYP

Walked to library and settle down real soon. I jot down all the System Testing while Yan helped to key in. To my surprise, we complete it in less than one and a half hour.

Oh it's superb.

The best thing is, we even settle all the editing of diagrams. It's awesome and we don't need to see those damn diagrams anymore again and again.

Hohoho (",)

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