We walk cautiously to avoid flood in our shoes since the floor was wet. It's gonna be disastrous if our feet got wet in our shoes and lasted till the end of the day. Bring in some of you real imagination then.
Upon returning home, you took off your shoe and your mum exclaimed "Oh dear, what's that horrible stench". Then you gonna answer, "Oh mum, it's just some preserve salted fish". You gonna say "And I have 2 over here for dinner".
(Know what i'm referring to? - Our stinky feet) Hahahaha...
You might not find it funny. I shall demo roleplay infront of you guys sometime and you gotta laugh out loud to the max.
Anyway, we caught a movie after our meal. It's called the "The Blue Mansion". It sounds like some interesting trailer which gotta be some "England" show. But it turns out to be a serious disappointment when we saw "Adrian Pang" name on the screen.
Turned off absolutely.
It's the world worst movie I ever watched and we each dumped 8 bucks for it. Thanks to my nebo card otherwise I might dumped more than that.
Finally, the show was over and we went for Rochor Beancurd. I had been wanting to bring that kid there but our plan always switched and change. By the way, we make it for the day. Ah tard was loving it.
The bean curd was smooth and the soya bean milk was sweet. Everything's perfect.
Next, we went for pooling at Peace Centre and there were lots of Ah bengs as usual. The uncles were staring at us. Eew, the thought of it gave me goosebumps. We pooled for and hour before we set off for home.
Alright, that's about it. Nights guys...